입력 : 2016.05.20 03:00 | 수정 : 2016.05.20 08:07
['北종업원' 면담 박영식 변호사]
"외부접촉 꺼리는 이유는 北에 있는 가족 신변우려 때문… 일부 단식 사망설 말도 안돼"
중국의 북한 식당에서 귀순한 종업원 13명을 면담한 박영식(51·여) 변호사는 19일 본지 인터뷰에서 "한국에 도착한 13명(여종업원 12명, 남성 지배인 1명) 가운데 북한으로 다시 돌아가기를 원하는 사람은 한 명도 없다"고 말했다. 우리 정부가 이들을 '납치'했다는 북한 주장 등을 부인한 것이다. 박 변호사는 대한변호사협회가 추천한 국가정보원 인권보호관 신분으로 북한이탈주민보호센터(옛 합동신문센터)에 체류 중인 귀순 종업원들을 여러 차례 만났다.
13 N.Korean Defectors 'Want to Stay in South'
Thirteen North Korean workers who defected to South Korea from a restaurant in China want to stay here, a lawyer who spoke to them told the Chosun Ilbo on Thursday.
"None of the 13 want to return to North Korea," said Park Young-shik.
Pyongyang has claimed that they were brought to South Korea against their will.
Park is an attorney recommended by the Korean Bar Association and serves as a human rights advocate to the National Intelligence Service.
She met the 13 several times at a halfway house for defectors.
"The workers don't want their identities to be revealed due to concerns for the safety of their families left behind in the North," Park said. "I can't go into details about what we discussed."
Asked about a report in a pro-Pyongyang media outlet that one of the women had died while on hunger strike demanding to be returned to the North, Park said, "Do you really believe that? I can definitely tell you that all 13 of are in good health. They watch South Korean news and are going on outside trips as part of their acclimation process."
She said they are understandably reluctant to face the media here because they fear reprisal against their families in North Korea if they make a public statement.
The left-leaning group Lawyers for a Democratic Society had demanded interviews with them, but the NIS declined, saying the North Koreans are neither criminals nor refugees.
"I met each of the 13 North Koreans last weekend and asked them if they wanted speak with the LDS attorneys, but all 13 refused," Park said.
The 12 waitresses and their male manager arrived in South Korea on April 7 and have stayed at the halfway house since then.
An NIS official said, "They are legally entitled to remain at the halfway house for up to 180 days while the NIS investigates whether they came here as bona fide defectors and they can get some peace of mind."
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