

Shawn Chase 2016. 2. 26. 23:39

The new images show a stark contrast between a presumably older heavily cratered area as it borders the ice covered Sputnik Planum. Scientists did not expect to see features resembling sand dunes on the Plutonian surface.

“Seeing Dunes on Pluto — if that is what they are — would be completely wild because Pluto’s atmosphere today is so thin,” said William B. McKinnon, GGI deputy lead from Washington University in Saint Louis. “Either Pluto had a thicker atmosphere in the past, or some process we haven’t figured out is at work, it’s a head-scratcher.” 

Initial atmospheric observations of the images are showing that the haze that envelops the planet has many layers, causing a soft illumination of nightside features during the sunset hours, visible to New Horizons’ cameras. 

“The bonus twilight view is a wonderful gift that Pluto has handed us,” said John Spencer, another GGI deputy lead. “Now we can study geology in terrain we never expected to see.”

Pluto in Twilight

Pluto In Twilight

Discoveries from the data also include photos from three of Pluto’s 6 known moons: its largest Charon, and two smaller bodies, Nix and Hydra. The raw images can be found on the website for New Horizons' Long Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI), which show Charon having a reddish Northern pole, and the irregular shapes of Nix and Hydra in sharper detail. 

Charon's Complexity

Charon's Complexity

Now already 43 million miles away from its Pluto flyby, New Horizons remains a healthy and spacecraft as it enters the Kuiper Belt, a large disc similar but much much larger than the asteroid belt of Mars. 

It’s already sending back data on regions beyond Pluto, as the dwarf planet Eris, once thought to be larger than Pluto, has been determined to be a smaller world. NASA expects New Horizons to fly past at least three visible dwarf planets starting in 2019, before it chases the Voyager probes into the deeper realms of interstellar space.


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