
wikiHow to Make a Boy Notice You at School Do you want him to notice you? Try out these tips. They'll make him notice the real you.

Shawn Chase 2017. 7. 12. 22:01


  1. Image titled Make a Boy Notice You at School Step 1
    Make sure you are happy about yourself and your appearance. Most of the time if you are not happy or confident, your feelings will show. Look in a mirror and smile at yourself and make different faces. Smile around him and be with friends, so you look like you have a life outside of trying to get the attention of guys. You don't have to ignore him completely, but don't get obsessive, either.
  2. Image titled Make a Boy Notice You at School Step 2
    Practice walking at home. Walk with your shoulders loosely relaxed. Swing your hips but only a little, otherwise it will give the guy the idea that you're trying too hard.
  3. Image titled Make a Boy Notice You at School Step 3
    When you are in a same class together, try complimenting him such as saying:"Wow, I really like your handwriting" or "I like your shirt." Maybe you'll get a compliment back. If you don't brush it off. Most likely he is not interested, because for in most cases, guys will look for every opportunity to compliment a girl who they are into.
  4. Image titled Make a Boy Notice You at School Step 4
    If he accidentally knocks something over, try picking it up and handing it to him with a smile. This will let him know that you are comfortable doing things for him, and usually this starts conversations. Don't become the "guy" in the relationship though. If he is not sure enough of himself to do the same back, like pick up a book you dropped in the hallway, then don't try. Or at least, give him a year or two to "man up".
  5. Image titled Make a Boy Notice You at School Step 5
    Don't be too shy around him. Make sure you laugh at his jokes, just not all of them or else he might think that you're trying too hard. Ask him about his interests and what he likes to do for fun.
  6. Image titled Make a Boy Notice You at School Step 6
    If you're SURE he likes you, but is nervous about asking you out, play hard-to-get. Talk to other boys, and act independent and confident. Boys go crazy when they like you and you flirt with other boys!
  7. Image titled Make a Boy Notice You at School Step 7
    Be intimate but conservative. If he really likes you he won't need the sexy side of you all the time. Make yourself stand out, but not so much that he will think you're way out of your comfort zone and trying too hard. If he likes what you think is inappropriate or extremely uncomfortable to you, he's not good for you.
  8. 8
    If he doesn't like how you truly are, then it's his problem and he's obviously not the perfect guy for you. Just keep on being yourself. Remember, there's someone out there that's absolutely amazing and will love you for who you are, and if you keep on looking, you will find him.

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  • You don't need to be someone you're not, if you act like yourself that's all you need. If he does not notice you, for the amazing person that you are, it's his loss. You will find the one, sometimes it just takes some time.
  • It really helps to not make sarcastic remarks to him, but make sure he knows you're playing.
  • Also, if you are both alone together, it helps to make small talk or pass each other little flirty notes.
  • If you KNOW he's into you, and you like him back, don't play hard to get. Just make a move! Flirting with other guys will only make him jealous, and think that you're not into him. If he loses interest, there's not much you can do to win him back.
  • Get along with his friends. It will make it more comfortable for both of you. Just don't flirt or give any indication that you're interested in any of them though.
  • Guys often complain that they never get to talk to girls because they are always surrounded by friends. Stick with your friend but don't be with them all the time.
  • Don't ditch your friends or family plans just to go out with him. It will make you seem inconsiderate!
  • Be confident in who you are, and most importantly be yourself.


  • Don't laugh too much because you'll seem clingy which is a big turn off!
  • Don't make it obvious that you are trying too hard.
  • Definitely don't bring up any past relationships unless he asks, and then be vague about them.
  • If you don't really like him that much, DON'T flirt with him! one of your girlfriends might like him, or someone that's NOT one of your friends.

Things You'll Need

  • Confidence.
  • Good posture.
  • A nice smile.
  • A decent, nice personality.
  • A good attitude.