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11세-14세 러 어린이 커플 ‘출산’…친자확인 결과 성폭행 확인

Shawn Chase 2020. 9. 28. 17:21

입력 : 2020.09.08 16:23 ㅣ 수정 : 2020.09.08 16:37


10살 남자친구의 아이를 가졌다고 말했다가 추후 성폭행 피해 사실을 털어놓은 소녀가 피해 사실을 입증할 수 있게 됐다. 7일(현지시간) 데일리메일은 다샤 수니쉬코바(14)가 낳은 아기의 생물학적 아버지가 성폭행범이 확실한 것으로 나타났다고 전했다.

데일리메일은 러시아 지역 방송인 TVK 크라스노야르스크 보도를 인용해, 다샤가 낳은 딸 에밀리야가 남자친구 이반 반야(11)가 아닌 다샤를 성폭행한 다른 소년의 친자임이 확인됐다고 전했다. 이로써 10살짜리가 생식 능력이 있었겠느냐를 둘러싼 논란도 마침표를 찍게 됐다.

다샤는 지난해 10살 남자친구 이반과의 사이에서 아기를 가졌다는 충격적 이야기로 러시아를 발칵 뒤집어놓은 장본인이다. 올해 초에는 이반과 함께 유명 TV 프로그램 ‘온 에어 라이브’에 출연해 같은 주장을 반복했으며, 사실 여부에 대해 전문가들과 격론을 벌였다.

당시 전문가들은 10살 소년이 생식 능력이 없는 점을 들어 거짓말일 가능성을 제기했다. 방송에 출연한 비뇨기과 전문의는 “실수가 없도록 세 번이나 검사 결과를 확인했다”면서 “소년은 테스토스테론 호르몬조차 없었다. 사춘기도 시작되지 않았다”라고 강조했다.

그러나 다샤와 이반, 심지어 부모들까지 둘의 임신이 사실이라고 주장했다. 남자친구 이반은 둘 사이에 신체적 접촉이 있었으며, 다른 사람의 아이일 가능성은 없다고 못 박았다. 이반의 어머니 역시 “아들이 아이 아버지라는 주장을 믿는다”며 거들었다.


하지만 출산이 임박한 지난 5월 소녀가 성폭행 피해 사실을 털어놓으면서 사건은 새 국면을 맞았다. 다샤는 15살짜리 다른 소년에게 성폭행을 당했으며 이로 인해 임신했다고 고백했다. 다만 피해 충격이 너무 커 엉겁결에 남자친구 이반의 아이라고 거짓말을 했다고 털어놨다.

다샤는 “성폭행을 당한 후 오랫동안 아무것도 할 수 없었다. 무섭고 외로웠다”면서 “그 아픔은 아직도 내 영혼 속에 남아 있다”고 고백했다.

10살 어린 나이에 여자친구의 성폭행 피해 사실을 접한 이반은 큰 충격을 받았지만, 아기를 자신의 아이로 키울 거라는 입장을 분명히 했다. 이후 출산 때까지 곁을 지키며 심리적으로 불안정한 다샤를 돌봤다.

[출처: 서울신문에서 제공하는 기사입니다.] https://nownews.seoul.co.kr/news/newsView.php?id=20200908601016&wlog_tag3=daum_relation#csidx50e1e3cd9a79d2da0189eb8e3d4fa97

Russian schoolgirl, 13, who claimed ten-year-old boy fathered her unborn child smiles alongside him as she leaves hospital with her baby

  • Darya Sudnishnikova, 13, said she was impregnated by her boyfriend Ivan, 10
  • However, she later revealed that she had been horrifically raped by another, 16
  • She has since given birth to a daughter after going through a 'tough' delivery
  • Darya has now posted pictures of her leaving maternity hospital with new baby

A Russian schoolgirl who claimed a ten-year-old boy was the father of her unborn child has posted pictures of her leaving a maternity hospital with her new baby.

Social media influencer Darya Sudnishnikova was 13 when she became famous after insisting that she was made pregnant by her prepubescent boyfriend Ivan (Vanya) .

The boy - now 11 - was with her as she departed a clinic in Krasnoyarsk with baby Emelia, who weighed in at 8lbs and measured 21 inches.

The couple smiled at the hospital door flanked by their mothers.



Social media influencer Darya Sudnishnikova was 13 when she became famous after insisting that she was made pregnant by her prepubescent boyfriend Ivan (pictured together)



The boy - now 11 - was with her as she departed a clinic in Krasnoyarsk with the newborn baby. The couple smiled at the hospital door flanked by their mothers (pictured)

In recent postings, Darya has told her almost 400,000 followers about the painful contractions and birth.

When Emilia finally appeared 'my head was dizzy - and then they put the baby on my tummy.

'And then I passed out. I fainted….'



In recent postings, Darya has told her almost 400,000 followers about the painful contractions and birth. Pictured: Darya and Ivan together with the new baby

Schoolgirl in Russia seen leaving maternity ward with new child


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She posted: 'I didn't imagine giving birth would be like that.

'I thought it would be much more painful, but only the contractions are painful.

'But for the sake of such happiness, it's worth enduring all this pain.'

Darya, now 14, has become a social media sensation after detailing the trials and tribulations of her pregnancy.



Darya, now 14, (pictured in the delivery room) has become a social media sensation after detailing the trials and tribulations of her pregnancy



Darya recently gave birth to a baby girl called Emelia, who weighed in at 8lbs and measured 21 inches




This followed a nationwide TV appearance when she insisted Ivan was the father after they had slept together.

But later - with experts saying her pregnancy with the boy was impossible - she confessed that she had been raped in her hometown Zheleznogorsk by a boy aged 16.

She said Ivan was the father because she was too embarrassed to admit to the rape, she said.



Ivan was not allowed to be present with her at the birth due to his young age but visited Darya at the maternity hospital a shortly afterwards



Darya's mother Elena Sudnishnikova, 35, (pictured left holding the baby girl) will act as guardian to the newborn

Police are investigating the case and it is believed they have taken a DNA sample from the newborn girl.

Ivan was not allowed to be present with her at the birth due to his young age.

Before giving birth she posted: 'He does not live with me, he stays overnight sometimes.

'At 16, he will take over the fatherhood, but it depends on how everything goes on between us.'

She also told how she is happy to be slim again and can lie on her front.

'I see myself in a mirror and can't stop adoring: I'm so slim!'



Darya told her followers on social media that she now plans to take leave from school to care for her new child (pictured together)





Darya said that in keeping with Russian tradition, she will not show the baby's face until she is 40 days old

Darya plans to take leave from school to care for her new child, she said.

Her mother Elena Sudnishnikova, 35, will act as guardian.

The young influencer recently revealed she was ordered to remove a post about the alleged sex attack.

'I wrote a post about the real father, but I had to delete it due to the fact that now there is a (criminal) investigation,' she said.

'I am forbidden to divulge the information of the investigation.'

Ivan's mother Galina Fyodorova, 28, said when Darya first claimed her son made her pregnant after the pair locked themselves in a bedroom: 'I believe my son that he is the father…

'I understand that he himself maybe doesn't realise what happened.'

Darya said that in keeping with Russian tradition, she will not show the baby's face until she is 40 days old.

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Russian schoolgirl, 13, who claimed boy, 10, fathered her child leaves hospital with baby